About Us
Hi, I'm Vera Timmons, owner of Avia Financial Services. A Business Consulting Firm located in Jacksonville, Florida. We specialize in helping new entrepreneurs learn and grow confidently along their journey. If you're anything like us, you don't have a lot of time and energy to waste on trial and error.
We, too, were once in your shoes. We saw firsthand how difficult it is to establish business credit without the proper resources. Being left to figure it out on our own, we spent countless months researching the hidden secrets of scaling a meaningful and profitable business. And now we're able to share that knowledge with you.
Let us be that guide to help you leverage your business and elevate to living life on your terms. Everything we have gained results from what you are about to learn through our ebooks and credit building resources. So if you are ready to embrace new beginnings, let's get started.
With Love,
Vera Timmons - CEO
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Choosing Us
“We started a few years ago...” Here you let your customers get to know you. Tell them a little bit about yourself and why you created this business. Do you have a passion, hobby or life experience that inspired you to get started? Do you have special skills or training that make you an expert in your field? Show your customers that there are real people with interesting stories working behind the scenes. Helping customers feel connected to you and your purpose will inspire more trust in your brand.
Why Us?
Why should you choose our DIY E-books?
1. No monthly obligations and enrollment fees.
2. You can fix your credit on your terms
3. Fixing your credit can save you thousands of dollars.
4. Good credit can open up doors for better opportunities.
Delivery FAQ:
I don't know where to find my download after I've purchased it. Can you help?
YES. First, check your spam box. Note -There is a limit of three download attempts. We recommend you download the PDF on a computer.
You will then have access to it on your desktop and mobile device. If you are
still having trouble, please check the accuracy of your email address. If that doesn't work, email your order number, date of purchase, and the purchase amount to vera@aviafinancialservices.com. Please allow our team 24-48 business hours to resolve this issue. Thank you!
No refunds/exchanges.
Contact Us
4651 Salisbury Rd. Jacksonville, Florida 32256
Open hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM — 7:00 PM Est.
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